Debunking Bail Bond Misconceptions

Bail bonds are not an everyday necessity. Therefore, several people may not understand how the bail bond industry works. Misconceptions cause uncertain feelings when a person is seeking bail bonds stroudsburg pa for the first time. Debunking bail bond myths is essential to have a clear understanding of the limitations and abilities of the industry.

Only Family Members

Several people have been discouraged by this myth that only a family member can bail them out. The truth is that any individual above the age of 18 can bail you out of jail. But you may lose your bond when the person you post for fails to appear in court. The bail becomes forfeited.

Free of Legal Obligation

The misconception that once you get out of jail by posting a bail bond frees you of any legal obligation is misleading. In reality, getting out of custody through bail bonds does not make you completely free. You still have legal requirements to meet, such as appearing for court dates and upholding good behavior.

Pay Full Bail Amount

This myth discourages people from bailing out their loved ones. You do not require the full bail amount unless you are paying the amount directly to the court. You can liaise with a bail bond agent to help you in securing the bond using your collateral. You pay the bondsman some fees for the service.

Bond Agents Negotiate

The truth is that the courts determine the bond amount. Also, the amount set by the judge is non-negotiable. A bail bond agent cannot negotiate bond terms on your behalf.

Accept Cash Payments Only

In this era of credit cards and electronic payments, bail bond agents allow alternatives to cash payments. You can pay a bond dealer through money orders or bank cheques. You also have the option of putting up collateral to back your bond.

There is a lot to learn about bail and bail bonds, but they are not as complicated as you think.

Bail bond, often known as “surety bond” in legal vocabulary and lay man’s term, is a type of property pledged or deposited with a court to influence it to produce a suspect from jail, around the understanding or agreement that the suspect will return for trial or bail will be forfeited and perchance be raised on charges from the crime if did not appear in court. In some cases bail bond may be returned at the end of the trial which is if all court appearances are manufactured, even if the body’s found guilty or otherwise not guilty from the crime he was accused of. Any deviation on the half of the defendant to show up in the court if the bail will lead towards full expense with the bail amount from the bailer. There are a lot of qualified bail agents, who will help an accused with this regard.