What You Should Consider In Child Support During Divorce

Divorce lawyer Houston

Couples feel emotional during a divorce because of the complications. The determination of where the children should live varies per family and per state. There are also factors in the time allocation for parents. Courts demand one parent to pay child support. This is to help the parent with primary custody to maintain the children’s standard of living.

Each state has its own guidelines to help its courts decide on child support specifics. Parents have the flexibility to make their own arrangements if the court agrees. The court evaluates each case as a unique case.

Child support is modifiable 

There are many factors considered in calculating child support. A major factor is the number of children. Each parent’s income also plays a big role in determining child support. Time each parent spends with their children is also considered. Courts also rule out who pays for childcare and health insurance. This also includes education and school expenses. The calculation often focuses on the need for support. Certain circumstances can change the court’s decision. Examples include a parent losing his or her job, or a parent increasing his or her income. When a parent becomes disabled, it affects child support. A parent receiving a meaningful inheritance can also have an effect on child support.

Divorce lawyer Houston

Child support outweighs spousal support 

It is common to see a spouse collecting both spousal support and child support. Child support is more important than spousal support. If a court determines that it can reduce child support then it will also reduce spousal support. Sometimes, a parent cannot give both spousal support and child support. Child support takes precedence in this case.

Payments for child support have no tax consequences 

The tax system cannot touch child support payments. This applies to both the recipient and the payor. The recipient is not taxed on collected child support. The payor cannot deduct the payments from his or her taxes. Split-Custody arrangements may have tax implications for one or both parents. Only one parent can take the exemption on their taxes. This is because only one parent can claim a child as his or her dependent. The parent who has physical custody of the child for a longer duration takes the exemption. The division of exemptions is also possible if they have many children. The child must live with one of the parents for more than six months before a parent claims the exemption. Contact your divorce lawyer Houston and work with a tax professional. Doing so will help you come up with a reasonable solution for both parties.

Both parents often feel disadvantaged no matter the arrangement. Focus on the children and consider their best interests. The goal of the courts is usually to ensure that the parents provide the children’s basic needs. Also that both parents contribute in an appropriate way. This includes monetary obligation and other factors in raising children as well. Spending time with their children is also part of child support.